Feel confident; Architect Associates will listen carefully to your briefing requirements before embarking on your new house design project. Your new house will address your requirements in a practical balanced way; it will optimise site and budgetary constraints and combine structural, material and spatial creativity to deliver a bespoke dwelling which fits your personality and lifestyle.
The house can be uncomplicated to build and easy to maintain. It can combine privacy with openness, and invite and utilise sunlight and shade in ways you might not have thought of. It can encourage and accommodate family interaction, yet deliver privacy and be a joy to live in.
Where necessary, Architect Associates will interact with other professionals specialising in construction-cost estimating, structural engineering and interior furnishing - to maximise your confidence in the design outcome.
To ensure construction is hassle-free, Architect Associates can administer the contractual aspects including tendering and construction, negotiating the myriad of building consent requirements and resource consent issues. Come in and discuss your aspirations with Architect Associates. Our costs are negotiable.